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73.Zheng, A. M.; Yang, M. H.; Yue, Y.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


C-13 NMR shielding tensors of carboxyl carbon in amino acids calculated by ONIOM method


Chemical Physics Letters 2004, 399, (1-3), 172-176. DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.09.155



72.Chen, L.; Zhang, M. J.; Yue, Y.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


NMR and theoretical studies of boron-modified mordenite


Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2004, 76, (1-3), 151-156. DOI:10.1016/j.micromeso.2004.08.007




71.Chen, F.; Zhang, M. J.; Han, Y.; Xiao, F. S.; Yue, Y.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Characterization of microporosity in ordered mesoporous material MAS-7 by Xe-129 NMR spectroscopy


Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2004, 108, (12), 3728-3734. DOI:10.1021/jp031187u




70.Chen, F.; Chen, C. L.; Ding, S. W.; Yue, Y.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


A new approach to determination of micropore size by Xe-129 NMR spectroscopy


Chemical Physics Letters 2004, 383, (3-4), 309-313. DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2003.11.047




69.Ai, X. J.; Deng, F.; Dong, J. X.; Hu, W.; Xu, H.; Ye, C. H.


One- and two-dimensional solid-state magic angle spinning NMR studies on the hydration process of layered sodium disilicate SKS-6


Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2004, 25, (4), 216-226. DOI:10.1016/j.ssnmr.2003.10.002




68.Hou, G. J.; Wang, L. Y.; Lu, X. M.; Zheng, A. M.; Deng, F.; Ye, C. H.


Experimental and theoretical study of C-13 shielding tensors in new-style molybdenum complex


Science in China Series B-Chemistry 2004, 47, (3), 214-221. DOI:10.1360/03yb0153




67.Zong, X. H.; Zhou, P.; Shao, Z. Z.; Chen, S. M.; Chen, X.; Hu, B. W.; Deng, F.; Yao, W. H.


Effect of pH and copper(II) on the conformation transitions of silk fibroin based on EPR, NMR, and Raman spectroscopy


Biochemistry 2004, 43, (38), 11932-11941. DOI:10.1021/bi049455h




66.Zhuang, J. Q.; Ma, D.; Yan, Z. M.; Deng, F.; Liu, X. M.; Han, X. W.; Bao, X. H.; Liu, X. W.; Guo, X. W.; Wang, X. S.


Solid-state MAS NMR detection of the oxidation center in TS-1 zeolite by in situ probe reaction


Journal of Catalysis 2004, 221, (2), 670-673. DOI:10.1016/j.jcat.2003.10.020




65.Zhou, P.; Xie, X.; Deng, F.; Ping, Z.; Xun, X.; Feng, D.


Effects of pH and calcium ions on the conformational transitions in silk fibroin using 2D Raman correlation spectroscopy and C-13 solid-state NMR


Biochemistry 2004, 43, (35), 11302-11311. DOI:10.1021/ bi049344i




64.Zheng, J. L.; Zhai, S. R.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Yang, Y. X.; Chen, L.; Deng, F.


Hydrothermally stable MCM-41 analogue with extensive embedded voids


Catalysis Today 2004, 93-5, 529-534. DOI:10.1016/j.cattod.2004.06.003




63.Zhang, M. J.; Chen, L.; Yi, D. L.; Zheng, A. M.; Yang, J.; Deng, F.; Yue, Y.; Ye, C. H.


A multinuclear solid state NMR study on dealumination of mordenite by steaming and acid-leaching


Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2004, 25, (8), 1490-1494.




62.Zhai, S. R.; Gong, Y. J.; Zhang, Y.; Deng, F.; Luo, Q.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.


Mixed cationic-nonionic surfactants and pH adjustment route to synthesize high-quality MCM-48


Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2004, 51, (1), 49-57.




61.Yu, N. Y.; Gong, Y. J.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Luo, Q.; Liu, W. Y.; Deng, F.


Organic-inorganic hybrid mesoporous materials assembled from sodium silicate and organotrialkoxysilane


Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 2004, 20, (1), 81-84.




60.Yu, N. Y.; Gong, Y. J.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Luo, Q.; Liu, W. Y.; Deng, F.


One-pot synthesis of mesoporous organosilicas using sodium silicate as a substitute for tetraalkoxysilane


Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2004, 72, (1-3), 25-32. DOI:10.1016/ j.micromeso.2004.04.013




59.Xie, X.; Zhou, P.; Deng, F.; Wu, P. Y.; Zong, X. H.; Yao, W. H.


Influence of pH value on the conformation transition of silk fibroin


Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2004, 25, (5), 961-965.




58.Liu, Z. H.; Deng, F.; Ding, S. W.


Effects of pulse strength, width, and sample spinning speed on the spectral spin diffusion of multiquantum coherences of spin-3/2 quadrupolar nuclei


Journal of Chemical Physics 2004, 120, (2), 740-748. DOI:10.1063/1.1630569




57.Liu, R. L.; Xu, Y.; Li, Z. H.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Gao, H. C.; Yuan, H. Z.; Deng, F.


Liquid-state Si-29 NMR study on the chemical kinetics of Stober synthesis


Acta Chimica Sinica 2004, 62, (1), 22-27.




56.Liu, R. L.; Xu, X.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Gao, H. C.; Yuan, H. Z.; Deng, F.


Comparative study on the hydrolysis kinetics of substituted ethoxysilanes by liquid-state Si-29 NMR


Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2004, 343, (1-3), 61-70. DOI:10.1016/ j.jnoncrysol.2004.07.032




55.He, H. P.; Frost, R. L.; Deng, F.; Zhu, J. X.; Wen, X. Y.; Yuan, P.


Conformation of surfactant molecules in the interlayer of montmorillonite studied by C-13 MAS NMR


Clays and Clay Minerals 2004, 52, (3), 350-356. DOI:10.1346/ccmn.2004.0520310


中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院 (中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所) 邓风课题组
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