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109.Xu, J.; Zheng, A. M.; Yang, J.; Su, Y. C.; Wang, J. Q.; Zeng, D. L.; Zhang, M. J.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Acidity of mesoporous MoOx/ZrO2 and WOx/ZrO2 materials: A combined solid-state NMR and theoretical calculation study


Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, (22), 10662-10671. DOI:10.1021/jp0614087




108.Hou, G. J.; Deng, F.; Ye, C. H.; Ding, S. W.


Towards uniform enhancement in solid-state cross polarization magnetic angle spinning NMR: A scheme incorporating cross polarization with rotational resonance


Journal of Chemical Physics 2006, 124, (23).  DOI:10.1063/1.2206787




107.Hou, G. J.; Deng, F.; Ding, S. W.; Fu, R. Q.; Yang, J.; Ye, C. H.


Quantitative cross-polarization NMR spectroscopy in uniformly C-13-labeled solids


Chemical Physics Letters 2006, 421, (4-6), 356-360. DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2006.01.105




106.Wen, X. Y.; He, H. P.; Zhu, J. X.; Jun, Y.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Arrangement, conformation, and mobility of surfactant molecules intercalated in montmorillonite prepared at different pillaring reagent concentrations as studied by solid-state NMR spectroscopy


Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2006, 299, (2), 754-760. DOI:10.1016/j.jcis.2006.02.046




105.Wen, X. Y.; Ai, X. J.; Dong, J. X.; Yang, J.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Reaction of layered sodium disilicate SKS-6 with calcium chloride solution as revealed by solid state NMR spectroscopy: Exploring the calcium ion extracting mechanism of SKS-6

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2006, 30, (2), 89-97. DOI:10.1016/j.ssnmr.2006.03.002




104.Wang, J. Q.; Yu, N. Y.; Zheng, A. M.; Yang, J.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Mesoporous MSU materials functionalized with sulfonic group: A multinuclear NMR and theoretical calculation study


Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2006, 89, (1-3), 219-226. DOI:10.1016/j.micromeso.2005.11.002




103.Wang, J. Q.; Su, Y. C.; Xu, J.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Acid sites and oxidation center in molybdena supported on tin oxide as studied by solid-state NMR spectroscopy and theoretical calculation


Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2006, 8, (20), 2378-2384. DOI:10.1039/b516833c




102.Hu, W.; Luo, Q.; Su, Y. C.; Chen, L.; Yue, Y.; Ye, C. H.; Deng, F.


Acid sites in mesoporous Al-SBA-15 material as revealed by solid-state NMR spectroscopy


Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2006, 92, (1-3), 22-30. DOI:10.1016/j.micromeso.2005.12.013



101.Hu, W.; Luo, Q.; Li, S. H.; Shen, W. L.; Yue, Y.; Deng, F.


Base-induced Bronsted acid sites on dealuminated HY zeolite: A solid-state NMR spectroscopy study


Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 2006, 22, (10), 1233-1237.




100.Zhou, D.; Xu, J.; Yu, J. H.; Chen, L.; Deng, F.; Xu, R. R.


Solid-state NMR spectroscopy of anionic framework aluminophosphates: A new method to determine the Al/P ratio


Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, (5), 2131-2137. DOI:10.1021/jp056335q




99.Zhou, D.; Chen, L.; Yu, J. H.; Deng, F.; Xu, R. R.


Structural investigation of layered aluminophosphate UT4 by solid-state NMR


Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2006, 27, (6), 991-994.




98. Rong Chen, Man Ho So, Jun Yang, Feng Deng, Chi-Ming Che, and Hongzhe Sun


Fabrication of Bismuth Subcarbonate Nanotube Arrays from Bismuth


Chem. Commun. 2006, 2265-2267.



97.Yuan, P.; Yang, D.; Lin, Z. Y.; He, H. P.; Wen, X. Y.; Wang, L. J.; Deng, F.


Influences of pretreatment temperature on the surface silylation of diatomaceous amorphous silica with trimethylchlorosilane


Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2006, 352, (36-37), 3762-3771. DOI:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2006.05.035




96.Yang, Y. X.; Chen, L.; Gao, H. C.; Zeng, D. L.; Yue, Y.; Liu, M. L.; Lei, H.; Deng, F.; Ye, C. H.


High-resolution magic-angle spinning C-13 spectroscopy of brain tissue at natural abundance


Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 2006, 44, (3), 263-268. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.1788




95.Yang, D. J.; Li, J. P.; Xu, Y.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Zhu, H. Y.; Deng, F.


Direct formation of hydrophobic silica-based micro/mesoporous hybrids from polymethylhydrosiloxane and tetraethoxysilane


Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2006, 95, (1-3), 180-186. DOI:10.1016/j.micromeso.2006.05.022




94.Tang, Q. L.; Xu, Y.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Wang, J.; Xu, J.; Deng, F.


Studies on a new carrier of trimethylsilyl-modified mesoporous material for controlled drug delivery


Journal of Controlled Release 2006, 114, (1), 41-46. DOI:10.1016/j.jconrel.2006.05. 006




93.Sun, X. Y.; Xu, Y.; Jiang, D.; Yang, D. J.; Wu, D.; Sun, Y. H.; Yang, Y. X.; Yuan, H. Z.; Deng, F.


Study on the ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis kinetics of single phenyltriethoxysilane and mixed phenyltriethoxysilane/tetraethoxysilane systems by liquid-state Si-29 NMR


Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2006, 289, (1-3), 149-157. DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfa. 2006.04.024




92.Dong, J. X.; Li, L. P.; Xu, H.; Deng, F.; Liu, L.; Ai, X.


Synthesis and properties of Al-delta layered sodium disilicate with high framework stability


Tenside Surfactants Detergents 2006, 43, (4), 210-214.




91. H.-B. Zhu, Q.-H. Xia , X.-T. Guo, K.-X. Su, D. Hu, X. Ma, D. Zeng and F. Deng


Synthesis and structure-directing effect of piperazinium hydroxides derived from piperazines for the formation of porous zeolites


Materials Letters 2006, 60: 2161-2166.

中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院 (中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所) 邓风课题组
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